No real reason for this blog. Just thinkin about my father. He's hilarious.
1. I only talk to him after midnight.
2. He watches One Life to Live FAITHFULLY! He'll be late to work just to watch it.
3. He's legally married, but has a girlfriend and they know about each other.
4. He's responsible for my disgust of BBQ.
5. He decided to grow cornrows after he turned 40+
6. He just recently learned how to text message lol
7. Including my mom, he's never actually had to approach any woman. They all approached him. He played the shy and quiet guy well, but in actuality...
8. He stutters... A LOT! Lol
9. He thinks I'm supposed to help him take care of my brothers and sisters cause I'm the oldest because...
10. He smokes those tweeds, but he calls them "cigarettes" lol
So Pops has 5 baby moms... A month ago or so, we had a debate about who is prettiest. Naturally (and not because I was on the phone with him) #1 was my mom and my list was:
1. Kay (Me and Tony's mom)
2. Tie between Tamara (my step-mom Anthony & Robbie's mom, his wife) Lana (T'ana's mom)
4. Pam aka Bulletwound (T'era's mom, his girlfriend)
5. Magnolia (Darvell's mom)
He says
1. My mom
2. Tamara
3. Pam
4. Lana
5. Magnolia
The debate is really just between Pam and Lana. I'm not a big fan of Pam period. She went after my father knowing he was married and I can't respect that period and it took a lot for me to get over that resentment for him doing that to my step-mom.
But at the end of the day, you really can't help or change the actions of people. You just have to learn to adjust and live.
At any rate, he's been through A LOT with Lana but he said Pam over Lana only because "Lana has no hips, Pam has hips and ass" verbatim. But Pam looks like she's Martin did when Tommy Hearns beat him up LOL
I'm exaggerating of course but I swear it's almost similar. Lana is actually really pretty and she did a pretty good job taking care of Tony and I during her time with my dad. I only pick Tamara with her because Tamara went above and beyond to take care of Tony and I and I have a huge respect for her.
I guess my ranking is based more on the person they are, rather than looks. Tamara and Lana were more moms to me than the others were. Well Pam could never be and Magnolia is a crackhead... Like for real, a bonafied crack head.
Pops doesn't like me calling Pam his girlfriend, bullet wound. I told him soon as he gets a divorce and cuts off his damn braids, we could talk lol. He hasn't agreed yet lol
From L to R: Me, T'ana, T'era, My dad, Tony, Anthony & Robbie (Darvell missing) circa 2010
Gotta love him =)